- TEI header [language = en]
- file description
- title statement
- title
- The Letters of Count Ignaz Maria von Attems-Heiligenkreuz to his Father
- title
- A Digital Edition
- author [id = IMA]
- Ignaz Maria von Attems
- statement of responsibility
- responsibility
- Diplomatic Transcription of German Letters
- name, proper noun
- Željko Oset
- name, proper noun
- Florian Zeilinger
- statement of responsibility
- responsibility
- Authors of Scholarly Texts
- name, proper noun
- Florian Zeilinger
- name, proper noun
- Miha Preinfalk
- statement of responsibility
- responsibility
- English Proofreading
- name, proper noun
- Michael Talbot
- statement of responsibility
- responsibility
- German Proofreading
- name, proper noun
- Florian Zeilinger
- statement of responsibility
- responsibility
- TEI-XML Encoding
- name, proper noun
- Matija Ogrin
- name, proper noun
- Florian Zeilinger
- name, proper noun
- Andrej Pančur
- statement of responsibility
- responsibility
- Edited by
- name, proper noun
- Metoda Kokole
- name, proper noun
- Gabriele Haug-Moritz
- funding body
- Kommission für Neuere Geschichte Österreichs (project)
- funding body
- Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (within research
programmes P6-0004, P6-0024, and P6-0052 (A) finaced by Slovenian Research
- funding body
- DARIAH-SI (project)
- funding body
- Dr. Johannes Attems (reproduction costs and image copyright)
- funding body
- Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz (image copyright)
- funding body
- Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj Ormož (image copyright)
- edition statement
- edition
- Editon 1.0
- publication statement
- release authority
- Slovenian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (SD18), ZRC SAZU, Institute
of Musicology, and Commission for Modern Austrian History, Vienna
- publisher
- Založba ZRC (Novi trg 2, SI–1000 Ljubljana)
- publication place
- Ljubljana
- date [when = 2020]
- 2020
- availability
- licence
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- paragraph
- To delo je ponujeno pod
- reference [target = http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/]
- Creative Commons
Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna licenco
- paragraph [rend = CIP]
- Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani<br/>
<a href="https://cobiss.si/" target="_blank">COBISS.SI</a>-ID=<a href="http://cobiss6.izum.si/scripts/cobiss?command=DISPLAY&base=99999&rid=35292675&fmt=13&lani=si" target="_blank">35292675</a><br/>
ISBN 978-961-05-0486-3 (html)<br/>
- identifier [type = ISBN]
- 978-961-05-0486-3
- identifier [type = URI]
- https://zalozba.zrc-sazu.si/p/1634
- identifier [type = URI]
- https://dariah-si.github.io/Attems/
- identifier [type = hdl]
- http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12325/40
- identifier [type = COBISS.SI]
- 35292675
- source description
- paragraph
- Briefe des Grafen Ignaz von Attems. StLA, Familienarchiv Attems, K. 19, H. 87
- paragraph
- 34 letters (tour 1734-1738), handwriting (written in ink) by Ignaz
Maria Graf von Attems-Heiligenkreuz, no foliation; Note: 1st letter, 1734-11-16, page
1: two added calculations, written with pencil; page 4 [without regular text]:
different added calculations, written with pencil, and unclear/unreadable (scratchy)
writing, written in ink; 2nd letter, 1734-12-15, page 4 [without regular text]:
different added calculations, written with pencil; 3rd letter, 1735-01-08, page 1:
one added calculation added, written with pencil; 18th letter, 1736-10-06, page 1:
ink drawings/sketches, ink spots; 27th letter, 1737-07-14, page 4: added
calculations/numbers at the end of the text, written in ink; 28th letter, 1737-07-31,
page 4: added lines at the end oft he text, written in ink
- text-profile description
- abstract [language = en]
- paragraph
- This is a critical edition with commentary of a little known primary source of a
typical eighteenth-century European Grand Tour – 34 family letters of a member of a
wealthy noble family from the Inner-Austrian capital city of Graz, Ignaz Maria von
Attems-Heiligenkreuz (1714–1762) addressed over a four-year period (November 1734 to
September 1738) to his father. These letters are today deposited in the
Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv in Graz in the Attems Family archive (Familienarchiv
Attems, Briefe des Grafen Ignaz Attems, K. 19, H. 87). The correspondence is not only
very informative on Attems’s education but also constitutes a rich source for the
history of many everyday matters – routes, transport, costs, accommodation, health,
clothing, education, religious issues, economic debates, descriptions of the foremost
sites and artistic wonders of the time, etc. Furthermore, Ignaz Maria provided his
father with current news and took good care to inform him as well about some of his
visits to musical events, concerts, balls and operatic productions. The digital
edition consists of facsimiles of the letters, a diplomatic transcription and
- abstract [language = sl]
- paragraph
- Pred vami je kritična in komentirana izdaja malo znanega primarnega vira iz 18.
stoletja, ki priča o značilnem kavalirskem potovanju tistega časa. To je 34 pisem, ki
jih je plemeniti popotnik grof Ignaz Maria von Attems-Heiligenkreuz (1714–1762) v
času med novembrom 1734 in decembrom 1738 poslal svojemu očetu v notranjeavstrijsko
prestolnico Gradec. Pisma se danes nahajajo v Štajerskem deželnem arhivu v Gradcu v
okviru družinskega fonda grofov Attems (Familienarchiv Attems, Briefe des Grafen
Ignaz Attems, K. 19, H. 87). Ohranjena korespondenca ni le pomemben vir o Attemsovem
izobraževanju temveč prinaša tudi bogastvo zgodovinskih informacij o tedanjem
vsakdanu – poteh, transportu, cenah, prenočiščih, pa tudi zdravju, oblačilih,
šolanju, verskih zadevah, ekonomiji, prinaša pa tudi opise najpomembnejših
turističnih atrakcij ter čudes tistega časa. Nadalje pisec očetu pošilja tudi sveže
novice iz političnega sveta ter mu ne pozabi poročati tudi o nekaterih obiskih
glasbenih prireditev, koncertov, plesov in opernih predstav. Pričujoča spletna izdaja
prinaša digitalizirane originale pisem, diplomatski prepis in študije.
- abstract [language = de]
- paragraph
- Dies ist die kritische, kommentierte Edition einer wenig bekannten Quelle zu einer
typischen europäischen Kavalierstour des 18. Jahrhunderts: 34 Briefe, die Ignaz Maria
von Attems-Heiligenkreuz (1714–1762), Mitglied einer wohlhabenden Adelsfamilie aus
Graz, der Hauptstadt Innerösterreichs, während eines Zeitraums von vier Jahren (von
November 1734 bis September 1738) an seinen Vater schrieb. Sie werden heute im
Steiermärkischen Landesarchiv im Depositum der Familie Attems (Familienarchiv Attems,
Briefe des Grafen Ignaz Attems, K. 19, H. 87) aufbewahrt. Die Korrespondenz gibt
nicht nur Aufschluss über Attems' Bildung, sondern stellt zudem eine reiche Fundgrube
für die Alltagsgeschichte dar: Attems beschreibt Reiserouten und -kosten, das
Transportwesen, Unterkünfte, Gesundheit, Kleidung, Erziehung, religiöse Aspekte,
ökonomische Diskussionen, herausragende Sehenswürdigkeiten und Wunder seiner Zeit
u.v.m. Darüber hinaus versorgt er seinen Vater mit aktuellen Nachrichten und
berichtet ihm auch vom Besuch musikalischer Veranstaltungen wie Konzerte, Opern und
Tänze. Die digitale Edition enthält Faksimiles der Briefe, eine diplomatische
Transkription und wissenschaftliche Studien.
- text classification
- keywords [language = en]
- term
- 18th Century
- term
- letters
- term
- Ignaz Maria von Attems
- term
- Grand Tour
- term
- nobility
- term
- Europe
- term
- infrastructure
- term
- everyday life
- term
- arts
- term
- history of ideas
- term
- arts
- term
- music
- keywords [language = sl]
- term
- 18. stoletje
- term
- pisma
- term
- Ignaz Maria von Attems
- term
- kavalirsko potovanje
- term
- Evropa
- term
- infrastruktura
- term
- vsakdanje življenje
- term
- zgodovina idej
- term
- umetnost
- term
- glasba
- keywords [language = de]
- term
- 18. Jahrhundert
- term
- Briefe
- term
- Ignaz Maria von Attems
- term
- Kavalierstour
- term
- Europa
- term
- Infrastruktur
- term
- Alltagsleben
- term
- Ideen-Geschichte
- term
- Kunst
- term
- Musik
- encoding description
- project description
- paragraph
- Count Ignaz Maria
Attems-Heiligenkreuz (Graz, 1714 – Vienna, 1762), the founder of the branch of the
Attems family with its seat at Slovenska Bistrica (Ger. Windisch Feistritz), spent
four years abroad: from November 1734 to September 1738. His travels in Europe are
documented not only by the thirty-four surviving letters (in German) that he sent to
his father in Graz but also by other documents, such as the surviving musical scores
brought back from this tour (now housed by the Provincial Archives of Maribor).
- application information
- application [ident = TEI_fromDOCX | version = 2.15.0]
- label
- reference [target = http://nl.ijs.si/tei/convert/]
- description
- The web-service DOCX to TEI was used during the work in progress for the
conversion from .docx format to TEI and for prototyping.
- text-profile description
- language usage
- language [ident = de]
- term [language = de]
- Deutsch
- term [language = sl]
- nemščina
- term [language = en]
- German
- language [ident = fr]
- term [language = de]
- Französisch
- term [language = sl]
- francoščina
- term [language = en]
- French
- language [ident = it]
- term [language = de]
- Italienisch
- term [language = sl]
- italijanščina
- term [language = en]
- Italian
- language [ident = la]
- term [language = de]
- Latein
- term [language = sl]
- latinščina
- term [language = en]
- Latin
- language [ident = en]
- term [language = de]
- Englisch
- term [language = sl]
- angleščina
- term [language = en]
- English
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.01]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Würzburg
- date [when = 1734-11-16]
- 16. 11. 1734
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.02]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Würzburg
- date [when = 1734-12-15]
- 15. 12. 1734
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.03]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Würzburg
- date [when = 1735-01-08]
- 8. 1. 1735
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.04]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Würzburg
- date [when = 1735-02-16]
- 16. 2. 1735
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.05]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Würzburg
- date [when = 1735-06-19]
- 19. 6. 1735
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.06]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Würzburg
- date [when = 1735-07-24]
- 24. 7. 1735
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.07]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Mainz
- date [when = 1735-09-04]
- 4. 9. 1735
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.08]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Mannheim
- date [when = 1735-09-24]
- 24. 9. 1735
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.09]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Praha
- date [when = 1735-11-26]
- 26. 11. 1735
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.10]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Praha
- date [when = 1735-11-30]
- 30. 11. 1735
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.11]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Praha
- date [when = 1736-01-25]
- 25. 1. 1736
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.12]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Praha
- date [when = 1736-02-25]
- 25. 2. 1736
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.13]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Praha
- date [when = 1736-03-17]
- 17. 3. 1736
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.14]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Praha
- date [when = 1736-05-19]
- 19. 5. 1736
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.15]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Mainz
- date [when = 1736-09-11]
- 11. 9. 1736
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.16]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Leiden
- date [when = 1736-09-18]
- 18. 9. 1736
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.17]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Haag
- date [when = 1736-09-28]
- 28. 9. 1736
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.18]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Amsterdam
- date [when = 1736-10-06]
- 6. 10. 1736
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.19]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Leiden
- date [when = 1736-12-07]
- 7. 12. 1736
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.20]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Leiden
- date [when = 1737-01-17]
- 17. 1. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.21]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Leiden
- date [when = 1737-03-12]
- 12. 3. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.22]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Leiden
- date [when = 1737-04-09]
- 9. 4. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.23]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Leiden
- date [when = 1737-05-03]
- 3. 5. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.24]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Leiden
- date [when = 1737-05-14]
- 14. 5. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.25]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Leiden
- date [when = 1737-05-28]
- 28. 5. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.26]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Leiden
- date [when = 1737-06-11]
- 11. 6. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.27]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Brussel
- date [when = 1737-07-14]
- 14. 7. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.28]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Paris
- date [when = 1737-07-31]
- 31. 7. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.29]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Paris
- date [when = 1737-09-26]
- 26. 9. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.30]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Bologna
- date [when = 1737-12-11]
- 11. 12. 1737
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.31]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Roma
- date [when = 1738-01-04]
- 4. 1. 1738
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.32]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Roma
- date [when = 1738-01-18]
- 18. 1. 1738
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.33]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Roma
- date [when = 1738-02-22]
- 22. 2. 1738
- correspDesc [corresponds to = #attems.l.34]
- correspAction [type = sent]
- personal name [corresponds to = #IMA]
- settlement
- Trieste
- date [when = 1738-10-05]
- 5. 10. 1738
- revision description
- listChange
- change
Mark-up of correspDesc data from the letters. Text-to-image
linking by means of @facs on each pb element. Edition 0.2.
- date
- 2019-11-07
- name, proper noun
- Matija Ogrin
- change
Checked the consistency of page breaks against the
digital images; corrected sequence of image files.
- date
- 2019-10-31
- name, proper noun
- Florian Zeilinger
- change
Revised the diplomatic transcription, tagged the names
of persons and places. Edition 0.1.
- date
- 2019-05-17
- name, proper noun
- Florian Zeilinger
- change
Converted into TEI-XML; input of basic TEI structure,
teiHeader, and front.
- date
- 2019-02-09
- name, proper noun
- Matija Ogrin
- change
Finished the first version of diplomatic transcription of
the 34 Attems letters.
- date
- 2019-01-26
- name, proper noun
- Željko Oset